Genres of Southern Literature
...for southern literature. This tradition is not without irony, given the other directive that has long governed southern literary study: the emphasis on promoting "internal" or a-historical, non-contingent readings of...
An Interview with Tim Gautreaux: "Cartographer of Louisiana Back Roads"
...Bridge, Louisiana, 1986. GAUTREAUX: I think the people associated with USL (now UL) got the public in touch with Cajun culture, and then Vermilionville and Cajun Village and the promotion...
Television News and the Civil Rights Struggle: The Views in Virginia and Mississippi
..."freedom fighters." The Richmond Afro-American characterized the police action as "bestiality" and "ruthless savagery" and compared it to Hitler's persecution of Jews and Khrushchev's repression of Hungarian freedom fighters. The...
Cruising Grounds: Seeking Sex and Claiming Place in Houston, 1960–1980
...Pride Houston. There were two queer bookstores, a free monthly magazine, and several free weekly papers. Soon, I was working for one of those papers, distributing copies all over the...
Southern Spaces: A Partial History
...admirable policy of not having students work for free. Luckily, it didn't take long for then-managing-editor Sarah Toton to find the needed funding to add another position. I joined Southern...
The Battle of Atlanta: History and Remembrance
...Lieutenant General John Bell Hood, commander of the Confederate Army of Tennessee. Photographic print. Hood's leadership at Chickamauga won him a promotion to lieutenant general on February 11, 1864, and...
"Puerto Ricans Live Free": Race, Language, and Orlando's Contested Soundscape
...students responded. Jose raised his hand and mentioned "freedom of speech," "Martin Luther King," and the "I Have A Dream Speech," while Christina angrily declared, "They just don't like us!"...
Crossing Over: Sustainability, New Urbanism, and Gentrification in Austin, Texas
...stops and bike lanes and widen streets to promote public transportation. The most symbolic public spot in the corridor is Urdy Plaza, an open, art-decorated space that honors the African...
Spectacles of American Nationalism: The Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama Painting and The Birth of a Nation
...1887.56Advertisement, Detroit Free Press, February 27, 1887, 3. Black Jack's panoramic image and the accompanying promotional publicity burnished his reputation as one of the most successful Civil War generals on...
Seeds of Rebellion in Plantation Fiction: Victor Séjour's "The Mulatto"
...fathers to sons and in the supposedly free exchange of affectional ties between a male and female of his choice—becomes the mythically revered privilege of a free and freed community"...