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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Open Educational Resources at Southern Spaces

...practical guidance in locating and applying openly available resources."2"How to Use Open Educational Resources," Open Washington, last modified March 3, 2016, The website features OER collections that include videos,...

A Turning Point for Richmond: The Virginia Historical Society's Civil War Exhibition

...with the idea that blacks supported the Confederacy.6Washington Post, October 20, 2010 ( and October 24, 2010 ( Various Sons of Confederate Veterans sites have suggested that tens of thousands...

Bodies and Souls

Bodies and Souls: Video and Essay When the body is falling apart, it's hard to pay attention to what your soul is telling you. —Sister Manette Durand Map of Jonestown,...

Voting Rights: Justice Alito's False, Partisan Facts Congressional districts.2Amy Howe, "In 5–4 vote, Justices Reinstate Alabama Voting Map Despite Lower Court's Ruling that It Dilutes Black Votes," Scotusblog, Feb. 7, 2022,; Merrill v. Milligan, 142...