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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Retelling Virginia's Migration History

...A guest book contains testimonies of the latest Virginians: “My family is from the southernmost island of the Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago,” “My family came from the Mayflower from England,”...

Residues of Border Control

...each student marked their journey from their home country to Durham, North Carolina with string. The writing was done by Guillermina Flores Godinez.  According to the latest census data, among...

The Bulletin—November 29, 2012

...America Southern Part," 1818. From Pinkerton, J., A Modern Atlas, from the Latest and Best Authorities, Exhibiting the Various Divisions of the World with its chief Empires, Kingdoms, and States;...

The Bulletin—August 6, 2013 2003, they remain in the Virginia Code. A federal appeals court specifically struck down this statute this March in the course of a case where an adult male solicited...

1108 Dynamite Hill

Video Essay Jeff Drew, born in 1951, is a lifelong resident of Birmingham, Alabama's North Smithfield neighborhood. In 2013, following the fiftieth anniversary commemoration of the Birmingham campaign of...