Indians in the Family: Adoption and the Politics of Antebellum Expansion
...people into the US body politic, which they described as a free white national family. Rather than emphasizing the various forms of violence required to dispossess Native people of their ancestral...
Visions for Sustainable Agriculture in Cuba and the United States: Changing Minds and Models through Exchange
...nothing to promote political and economic change. In July 2010 Menendez took the Senate floor to oppose an easing of travel restrictions, remarking that more opportunities for US citizens to...
The Joneses: Home Made in Mississippi
...ever since. The Joneses promotional poster. Bunny Lake Films LLC, 2016. The documentary project spun out of my first book, Men Like That: A Southern Queer History, which began as...
August, 1959: Morning Service churned butter, my eyes closed, freed my mind into the light on the window’s other side, followed the dreamy bell-ring of Randy Ford's cows across Licklog Creek to a...
Geographies of Gardening: Ryan Gainey Discusses Figs
...botany and cultural study. The completed documentary, "The Well-Place Weed: The Bountiful Life of Ryan Gainey," is available for free viewing on Vimeo. About the Author Steve Bransford completed his...
Reckoning with Enslavement
...uncovering the lawsuits they had brought against the Jesuits and other prominent Maryland slaveholders long before the 1838 sale. Some won their freedom. Others didn't—but each of their cases challenged...
The Poetics of Rescue and Resilience: A Conversation with Jericho Brown on The Selected Shepherd a Name?,” A Martian Muse: Further Essays on Identity, Politics, and the Freedom of Poetry, edited by Robert Philen (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2010): 193–198. )....
"Our Country"—Benjamin E. Wise's William Alexander Percy
...his "experiences of sexual freedom possible. His wealth allowed him to travel around the world, and that wealth was created in large part by black slaves and sharecroppers. His vision...
Three Black Towns: An Excerpt from Black Landscapes Matter
Excerpt After the end of the Civil War, recently freed Black people endeavored to create their own communities. During Reconstruction, and with newfound access to political and economic power, Black...
1108 Dynamite Hill
Video Essay Jeff Drew, born in 1951, is a lifelong resident of Birmingham, Alabama's North Smithfield neighborhood. In 2013, following the fiftieth anniversary commemoration of the Birmingham campaign of...