"Beer, Prayer and Nellydrama": (Im)Possibilities in Max Vernon's The View UpStairs
...Delery-Edwards describes the Lounge as a cultural space that sought to insulate patrons from homophobic violence, what Vernon would imagine in a musical number, "The World Outside These Walls."11Max Vernon,...
The Pursuit of Health: Colonialism and Hookworm Eradication in Puerto Rico
...Bailey K. Ashford immortalized his first hookworm patients in a photograph. The caption reads: "Photograph of a number of natives of Puerto Rico, showing pernicious anemia due to Ankylostoma duodenale."...
Nannie's Stone: Appendices by Mark Auslander and Lisa Fager
...Tinney. Elizabeth's daughter Harriet Tinney appears in the 1870 DC city directory, employed as a washwoman, residing on 2nd near C street, Southwest. Other free Tinney's in antebellum Washington may have been...
The Making of the Arkansas Cemetery Angel: AIDS Activism, Care Work, and Fragmentary Archives in the Life of Ruth Coker Burks
...who largely avoided Jimmy's room and failed to convince his mother (over the phone) to come to visit her dying son, Ruth returned to Jimmy's room. And it was as...
Mountaintop Removal in Central Appalachia
...area and to the vast number of absentee landowners. Natural resource identification, mapping, and purchasing occurred as early as the eighteenth century, but these absentee holdings could not be fully...
Closer to the Ground: A Conversation with Ann Pancake
...know what WVU is like now, but at that time we had a large number of out of state students, partly because our tuition was so cheap, and the whole...
Revisiting Flaherty's Louisiana Story
...income, but then switched to the less cinematically interesting (and for some critics, less symmetrically ironic) work of a telephone lineman because it paid better and was less dangerous. As...
Before Tuskegee: Public Health and Venereal Disease in Hot Springs, Arkansas
...of the Great Depression—just as the PHS dismantled a number of pilot projects designed to provide mass treatment to syphilitic blacks. Although many of the initiatives undertaken in Hot Springs...
The Shenandoah Valley
...promote railroad and coal mining throughout southwestern Virginia, Appalachia, and the Valley in the 1870s and 1880s. The beauty of the region attracted investors to build hotels and resorts,...
Telling the Raymond Andrews Story: The Making of Somebody Else, Somewhere Else
...MARBL.) At the end of Raymond's life, he and Benny had acrimonious phone conversations and exchanged angry letters. The letters referenced the phone conversations and expanded on them. By 1990,...