Cajun South Louisiana
...Map Collection, University of Texas. While many people associate the southwest Louisiana home of the Cajuns with swamplands, its environment also consists of marshes, prairies, and wooded river areas. The...
Scales Intimate and Sprawling: Slavery, Emancipation, and the Geography of Marriage in Virginia
...This market created staggering obstacles: enslaved marriages had endured the large-scale transport of people from the Virginia Piedmont and Tidewater to the antebellum Southwest, as well as significant but more...
Religion and the US South
...South was the movement of increasing numbers of settlers into backcountry areas of Virginia and the Carolinas after 1750. Attracted by inexpensive land, Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, Separate Baptists from the northern...
Living Across Borders: Guatemala Maya Immigrants in the US South
...Guatemala. And while men still make up the majority of Maya migrants, a growing number of women and children have joined husbands, fathers, and brothers in Georgia, resulting in a...
Atlanta's Charis Books and More: Histories of a Feminist Space
...were few established businesses, mainstream organizations or tradition-minded civic leaders around. There were, however, plenty of cheap rental properties available and an "anything is possible" view of the future.6According to...
Wanted eLove: Queer Square Spaces and the Revolution in Digital Intimacy smartphone apps. As John Walker writes, "LGBTQ people have long used digital spaces as a means of connecting with others like themselves . . . Scruff et al. are...
Walking into History: The Beginning of School Desegregation in Nashville
...and similarly split districts in surrounding Davidson County, under Superintendent J. E. Moss. In round numbers, there were about ten thousand black students and twenty thousand whites in the city...
An Interview with Tim Gautreaux: "Cartographer of Louisiana Back Roads" in Vietnam? GAUTREAUX: I was going to join the Air Force, but they had that draft lottery, and I drew number 361. Number one went, and the further away...
Editorial Style Guide
...are usually used. number of international unions 8; total number of women: 79 When to spell out numbers Spell out numbers from one through one hundred and approximate numbers. It...
Global Lives, Local Struggles: Latin American Immigrants in Atlanta
Photograph of Rosa, Miguel and their son. Global Lives, Local Struggles (Documentary footage used in this essay was provided by William Brown, Director, Living Across Borders.) Part 2: Dr. Odem describes...