"Holding on to Those Who Can't Be Held": Reenacting a Lynching at Moore's Ford, Georgia
...realms of the living and the non-living. Ellen Schattschneider, Arrival of car, Moore's Ford, Georgia, 2009. Each year, the Atlanta-based sponsors of the reenactment, including prominent African American political figures...
The Same Language: A Memoir by Ben Duncan
"I Used That Katrina Water To Master My Flow": Rap Performance, Disaster, and Recovery in New Orleans
...When New York Disses The South,"Complex Magazine, July 1, 2010, http://www.complex.com/music/2010/07/hate-of-the-union-when-new-york-disses-the-south/; Darren E. Grem, "'The South Got Something to Say': Atlanta's Dirty South and the Southernization of Hip-hop America,"Southern Cultures...
Same-Sex Intimacy in Fiction about Southern Plantations
Same-Sex Intimacy in the Fiction of Southern Plantations Part 2: Bibler refers to Gaines’s novel Of Love and Dust, focusing on how same-sex relations can disrupt plantation hierarchies Part 3:...
Resegregated Spaces: The Schools-to-Prisons Pipeline
...and doing graduate work at Columbia University she was named National Field Representative, Collegiate Council for the United Nations, New York. She returned to Atlanta in 1960 to work as...
The Liminal Site
...W. Soja, Postmetropolis: Critical Studies of Cities and Regions (Madden, Massachussetts: Blackwell, 2000), 401. For the classic postmodern-geography treatment of Atlanta, see Charles Rutheiser, Imagineering Atlanta: The Politics of Place...
Crosses, Flowers, and Asphalt: Roadside Memorials in the US South
...life in a motor vehicle crash or accident. One commemorates the loss of a beloved pet. Tom Zarilli, Wilting plush toys, Atlanta, Georgia, 2006. These memorials remind us of the...
"Beer, Prayer and Nellydrama": (Im)Possibilities in Max Vernon's The View UpStairs
...Francisco."50Delery-Edwards, The Up Stairs Lounge Arson, 147. New York, Boston, Baltimore, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco: all of these US cities and six more have staged Max Vernon's The...
Navigating Jim Crow: A Review of Adolph L. Reed's The South: Jim Crow and Its Afterlives
...Carolina and Atlanta and traveled the region while doing summer jobs. He taught at colleges and universities in Atlanta and worked in the city government during the second term of...
Monkey Puzzle
Video Monkey Puzzle, 2008....