Sankofa Series: What Must Be Remembered national and transnational trade: "It has always been exceedingly difficult to ascertain the exact number of slaves in the Southern states; the usual estimate is about four and a...
The Medicalized Border and the Politics of Exclusion
...showing the locations of Brownsville, Laredo, and Eagle Pass, 1882. Courtesy of Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, catalog number 98688791. Fevered Measures surveys smallpox and yellow fever epidemics...
Changing Places, Changing Lives
...slaves were in fact other migrants who had established themselves over a number of years" (223). This admission leaves readers wondering what Pargas might have gleaned had he approached his...
Stones and Shadows
...the image in relief, old man with scythe, and the quotation: "Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be." Impossible, grand. The earth is beneath us. The...
Six Yellow Stanzas
...among these creamy freesia women - they all are. They let some men be dark, like the one they call Dark Gable, who could talk that talk the best. The...
...the walls: Mildew, semen, camphor, Oft-handled bills, coin metal, Cornbread breath that whispers and swallows and breathes. One day, as in the best bodice-rippers, the house burned down to the...
Prayer of the Backhanded beatings lack Intention, the mark of the beast. Bring back to life the son Who glories in the sin Of immediacy, calling it love. God, save the man whose...
Joseph Crespino Interviews Thomas Mullen, Author of Darktown
...the best debut novel of the year. Mullen's books are notable for the range and variety of their historical settings and influences. Last Town on Earth is set in a...
DOIs and Altmetrics
...By adopting digital object identifiers (DOIs) and partnering with Altmetric, Southern Spaces continues to model best practices in digital publishing. All Southern Spaces pieces now include DOIs that provide a...
Mapping Souths
...on either side of them, diverse, independent, hostile to each other and capable of being at best but 'unequally yoked together,' and yet Mr. Trescott [sic] with great profoundness, announces...