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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Shreveport, Louisiana images

Shreveport, Louisiana: Landscaping, El Dorado Casino Resort Today, the downtown and waterfront areas, bustle with tourist, most of whom gamble at one of several riverboat casinos. Artist's Rendering of RiverView...

The Bulletin—September 4, 2012

...and Democratic National Conventions held in Tampa, Florida and Charlotte, North Carolina respectively.   The Huffington Post reported that many of the workers responsible for cleaning up after convention-goers at...

The Bulletin—July 10, 2012 the competition.  A joint investigation by National Public Radio and the Center for Public Integrity released in two parts (part one yesterday and part two today) this week suggests...

Besieged Terrain fake a car accident. Reece is a patient man and says that by the second day they start to notice things. The University of Kentucky's Agriculture Division that administers...