The Bulletin—May 15, 2012
Today’s post is the first in an ongoing series compiling links related to news from in and around the US South. We hope these posts will provide space for lively...
Flatlands in the Outlands: Photographs from the Delta and Bayou
...for his office walls that captured what he referred to as the “stark and elegiac beauty of the local landscape.” Clay responded with images that preserved her memories of familiar...
Mountaintop Removal in Central Appalachia the fear that they are contaminating underground aquifers. The valley fills that are created with the refuse of the blasted apart mountains bury hundreds of miles of streams that...
Retelling Virginia's Migration History
...are biographies that also challenge the conventional trajectories of the “migrant.” In “Greece to Norfolk,” the exhibition tells of Demetrios Karkambasis (renamed James Campas) who comes to the United States...
"Closest to Everlastin'": Ozark Agricultural Biodiversity and Subsistence Traditions
...Ozarks was so poor to begin with that they scarcely noticed. No, that's not right, because poverty’s so relative. A better way to put it is that folks in the...
Bioregional Approach to Southern History: The Yazoo-Mississippi Delta
...and created a new taxonomy for American nature. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) today defines an ecoregion as "a large area of land or water that contains a geographically distinct...
Transcript of "When I Say 'Steal,' Who Do You Think Of?": Part Three
...powers-that-be clearly saw the connection between my life as a teacher, a thinker, and a worker— between economic and intellectual issues—the connection that I had not made at that time....
The Worst of Times: Children in Extreme Poverty in the South and Nation their school districts and offered alternatives that could reduce any adverse impact. In addition, SEF recommends that the White House, the US Department of Education, and other federal policymakers...
Gold Records in Deep Space
...Reenactment of Blind Willie Johnson in The Soul of a Man, 2003. What's different about Wenders' reenactments for The Soul of a Man is that they look like actual fragments...
Enslaved Labor and Building the Smithsonian: Reading the Stones
Essay And what erudition. He can even read stone. Only he never figures out that the veins in the marble of Diocletian's baths are the burst blood vessels of slaves...