Opening Spaces: On Tolerance and the Possibility for Love
...violence, and the challenges we face as a nation continuously confronted with difference. On October 1, 1962, James Meredith became the first African American student at the University of Mississippi....
Remembering Women’s Political Council Member Thelma Glass
Thelma McWilliams Glass died on July 24, 2012 at age ninety-six. She was the last surviving member of the Women’s Political Council (WPC), a group of African American women in Montgomery, Alabama, who...
Southern Labor Studies Association Collaboration
...service economy; music and cultural workers; sex workers; the Global South; African American labor history; Latino and migrant workers; gender and labor activism; and migration throughout the South. Please submit...
Reconsidering Appalachian Studies
...and converse more with related interdisciplinary fields, such as Women's, African American, New West, and Pacific Islands studies. Perhaps Appalachian Studies could arrange joint conferences with other area studies or...
Battle of Atlanta Project Discussion and Exhibit Set for July 17 at Emory's Woodruff Library
...and data from archives with digital technology. The Battle of Atlanta mobile tour website represents a new, interactive way to learn." Erica Bruchko, US history and African American studies librarian...
Emory University Team Launches Mobile Tour App for Historic Battle of Atlanta Sites
...the project; Kevin Glover, Emory web developer; Chris Sawula, history graduate student, ECDS fellow, and photo researcher; and Erica Bruchko, a U.S. history and African American studies librarian at the...
Discursive Memorials: Queer Histories in Atlanta's Public Spaces
...of Freddie Styles, a Georgia-born African American man, John Q's first installation begins in front of a home in the Old Fourth Ward. In the early 1960s, Styles briefly belonged...
Geography Natasha Trethewey reads her poem "Geography," 2010. Poem text. About the Poet Natasha Trethewey is a professor of English and the Phillis Wheatley Distinguished Chair in Poetry at...
The Sub Series: Henry County, Georgia
Henry County 2008 The subordinate status rhetorically applied to some areas, neighborhoods, and home loans belies a contemporary reality: more US citizens reside in suburbs than in the country or...
The Makers of the Sacred Harp
...and evanescent print forms. Hulan provides new knowledge about hymn writers, the role of African Americans in frontier hymnody, and the relationship between print, manuscript, and performance. The prominence of...