Black. Queer. Southern. Women.
...understand herself and to survive (7:28). Question and Answer Session About the Speakers E. Patrick Johnson is a scholar, artist, and the Carlos Montezuma Professor of African American Studies and...
They Never Witnessed Such a Melodrama
...border state, Kentucky had relatively high rates of racial violence, especially in western and central Kentucky, where African Americans were more highly concentrated than in the eastern counties, and where...
Lynching and Local History: A Review of Troubled Ground
...engaging in rabid pro-lynching race-baiting to stamp down the cross-racial alliances created by the Fusionists in North Carolina, the coalition between the Republican and Populists Parties that in previous elections...
Mother Jones: Back in Alabama
...Republicans who loved his promise to "bring back coal." But they recognize too that there has been no support for the strike coming from the right, no GOP politicians standing...
Nannie's Stone: Appendices by Mark Auslander and Lisa Fager his father, Charles Teney, to complete the manumission process in 1827, freeing his daughter-in-law and three grandchildren. Maryland Republican, March 26, 1814, 3. The article also ran in the April...
"Our Country"—Benjamin E. Wise's William Alexander Percy
...of equality . . . not only did not include African Americans; it also depended on them" (199). With blacks consigned to their paternalistic place and working-class whites thoroughly despised,...
Still under the Influence: The Bioregional Origins of the Hub City Writers Project
...that the ideas of bioregionalism were central to the community process in Port Townsend: bioregions are areas that share similar topography, plant and animal life, and human culture; these regions...
Rebuilding the "Land of Dreams": Expressive Culture and New Orleans' Authentic Future
Rebuilding the Land of Dreams Video Part 2: Spitzer discusses “The Basin Street Blues” and prominent representations of New Orleanians in the realms of work and play Part 3: Spitzer discusses how...
And the Prize Goes to...
...seminar, “How to Study the South Today,” this exercise serves as the final step in a conversation about the scholarly tools needed to conduct intersectional research and produce multi-modal work....
Majority of Nation's Public School Students Now Low-Income
...needs often receive the least support, and are now a majority in the nation's public schools. The South and the nation are today a part of a new global economy...