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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Beyond Fairyland: Writing and Curating Queer Miami

..."a transnational lens in the recovery of queer voices, lives, and experiences."4Capó, 7. Queerness is the central analytical tool through which Capó explores Greater Miami. In his history, Capó traces...

The Digital Yoknapatawpha Project

...are some central technologies Digital Yoknapatawpha uses? The user has begun the "Play Narrative" animation for Flags in the Dust, and has reached page 75. Events can also be viewed...

The Shenandoah Valley

...human presence in the region over 10,000 years ago, the Valley was a central corridor for travel, migration, hunting, and planting. The Valley was the homeland for no single tribe,...

End of the Pandemic? A Grassroots Perspective

...Burkholder, "Housing as a Human Right: Community Movement Builders Organize Against Gentrification," Georgia Voice, April 21, 2022,; "Who are We?" Food4Lives, Accessed June 22, 2023, Both organizations preceded...

The Bulletin—September 4, 2012 and intellectually engaging with the US South. This week, in a belated celebration of Labor Day, The Bulletin focuses upon the role of organized labor in the 2012 Republican...