Creolization as Cultural Continuity and Creativity in Postdiluvian New Orleans and Beyond
...backgrounds that reflect Creole cultural contact and transformation: Taj Mahal is of African American and British West Indian parentage; Cedric Watson claims Louisiana Creole, Mexican Spanish, Native American, and African...
Mapping the Muggleheads: New Orleans and the Marijuana Menace, 1920–1930
...African Americans, the local newspaper evidence reveals little connection between these groups and marijuana use. The lack of African Americans identified among those arrested for marijuana during this period appears...
African Americans in Atlanta: Community Building in a New South City
...the shining example of Henry Grady's New South ideology — seeking industrialization through northern capital and promising racial justice through segregation. But in spite of the city's aggressive promotion of...
Blues in the Lower Chattahoochee Valley—often referred to as Piedmont blues—that "encompasses the East Coast from Florida to Maryland, stretching westward through the Piedmont, the Appalachian Mountains, and the Ohio River Valley to central Kentucky...
The Joneses: Home Made in Mississippi
...ever since. The Joneses promotional poster. Bunny Lake Films LLC, 2016. The documentary project spun out of my first book, Men Like That: A Southern Queer History, which began as...
Crosses, Flowers, and Asphalt: Roadside Memorials in the US South
...dirt track racers defying death in stripped-down vehicles with high performance engines, the glitz and product promotion of modern day NASCAR, and the window-tinted, stretch-limo world of rap culture. Country...
The Carolina Piedmont
...significant numbers. Enslaved African Americans made up ten percent of the Carolina Piedmont's population in the 1760s. By 1800, only two or three counties had black populations of more than...
The Slaveholding Empire: Southerners, Federal Authority, and Slave Power Abroad
...paper's "particularly hot-tempered" correspondents from central Virginia, was decidedly pro-annexation and attacked his antislavery opponents as wanting nothing more than to hasten the destruction of "this vast Southern Empire" (7–8)....
Revisiting Flaherty's Louisiana Story
...the African hot wind and percussion orchestra; the typical Zydeco combo of accordion and frottoir or washboard playing hot licks to what might be an old African chant." When set...
A Plague of Bulldozers: Celestine Sibley and Suburban Sprawl
...They have made only minimal efforts to revitalize low-income African American neighborhoods. And they have actually made living conditions worse for African Americans by destroying and failing to replace low-income...