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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Brown, Black, and White in Texas go to school with the Blacks because they are dirty!" "As a Black man I will join any group of oppressed people," he declared, "but when that group employs...

Image Credits

...truck, March 19, 2010. Photograph by Flickr user Michael Minter. Creative Commons license CC BY-NC 2.0. Curlers, December 26, 2014. Photograph by Flickr user Loren Kerns. Creative Commons license CC...

DOIs and Altmetrics

...stable reference for each publication. This means that we are better able to disseminate and preserve pieces in the journal, even if the URL changes. This shift also allows us...

Sapelo Island Flyover

...complex, paved roads, a freshwater pond created by excavation, and the present-day lighthouse, still used for guiding maritime traffic in Doboy Sound. Internal Waterway, Sapelo Island, Georgia, 2015. Screenshot courtesy...