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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Driving Through Time: The Digital Blue Ridge Parkway complete because of environmental and public relations concerns and lawsuits filed by the mountain's owner and promoter, Hugh Morton. Screen capture of the GeoBrowse tool, Driving Through Time, 2012. The...

End of the Pandemic? A Grassroots Perspective

...models because of its non-hierachal emphasis on mutualism rather than models that maintain divisions between givers and receivers. Mutual aid is rooted in reciprocity. Endstate ATL took advantage of these...

The Black Belt

...photographs from 1914 US Geological Survey “Cretaceous Deposits of the Eastern Gulf Region,” Selma, Alabama, ca. 1914. Image uploaded by Flickr user Internet Archive Book Images. Image is in the...