A Review of Lawrence N. Powell's The Accidental City: Improvising New Orleans
...to established creole communities. Powell incisively argues that it was the new American regime’s eagerness to serve the interests of slaveholders that made Louisiana elites staunch supporters of the United...
Struggle Against Disease and Discrimination: The Jesse Peel Papers
...representing a cure for AIDS. The sculpture intended to memorialize those affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic that led to 573,800 reported AIDS cases in the United States between 1981 and...
From Raw Cotton to Cloth
Introduction Opened in 1968, the Katherine plant was the last of four Springs cotton mills operating in Chester, South Carolina. Hughes and Hall captured these images shortly before the plant...
Birth Right
...for normal, low-risk pregnancies. In the United States, views are polarized and there is a sharp division between the medicalized and midwifery models of care. Although medical interventions and healthcare costs are...
Shaping a Southern Soundscape
...Miller's brilliant new book Segregating Sound is this one: it makes thinking about the meaning of the history of this crazy section of the United States and contemporary "country" songs...
The Bulletin—May 15, 2012
...of the case and how local groups and United States Representative Luis Gutierrez (D-Illinois) have rallied around Gabino Sanchez, a 27-year-old construction and landscape worker from rural Ridgeland, South Carolina....
Southern Memory, Southern Monuments, and the Subversive Black Mammy
Southern Memory, Southern Monuments, and the Subversive Black Mammy Question and Answer Wallace-Sanders responds to questions about the photographs she uses, the proposed Mammy Memorial Institute, the political responses...
The Future of Slavery's Historical Spaces
...his compatriots took up arms against the United States in order to preserve a society based on slave labor and white supremacy. Stephanie Batiste-Bentham, an African American interpreter who worked...
The Bulletin—November 1, 2012
...Cuba in "Visions for Sustainable Agriculture in Cuba and the United States: Changing Minds and Models through Exchange," and Brian C. Campbell uncovers how local traditions of biodiversity rooted in...
Beyond Fairyland: Writing and Curating Queer Miami
...they are often given few opportunities to better understand its complicated past. Cuban refugees aboard the Captain Preston who came to the United States during the Mariel Boatlift, Miami, Florida,...