Reckoning with Enslavement
...of History at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He is on the Southern Spaces editorial board, and was co-founder and director of the Virginia Center for Digital History at the University...
Gone With the Wind
...anymore. Published in Southern Quarterly 45.1 (Fall 2007): 53-54. Text may vary slightly from the video reading. Published: 7 March 2008 © 2008 Jake Adam York and Southern Spaces...
Putting up Beans
...Huron I suppose, Tsalagi on the southern side. Holding hard with indexes, thumbs, double-handed popping apart plump green strings fresh from leafy hills in the fields. Bristling with bees and...
Returning Home, Saxon Mills
I walk red roads, unpaved, blowing away, kicking leeched-dry clay. August. Near a lake fenced with chain link, red brick walls of the cotton mill shine in mid-morning Southern sun....
The Save All Quilt [ca. 1880]
...fabrics manufactured in New England's textile mills and shipped to southern dry-goods stores. Spartanburg County did not develop into a major textile-production center until the end of the century; this...
Transcript of "When I Say 'Steal,' Who Do You Think Of?": Part Three
...Minnie Bruce Pratt. Text may not exactly correspond to the video recording of Pratt's lecture available on Southern Spaces. Minnie Bruce Pratt © 2004 Minnie Bruce Pratt and Southern Spaces...
Shreveport, Louisiana images
...Like so many southern cities, Shreveport is trying to reinvigorate its downtown. RiverView is an ambitious project that will eventually feature an amphitheatre, decorative fountains, and boat docks. Published: 28...
Aunt Narcissa's Quilt [ca 1880]
...evenings. Women made frequent visits with relatives, sometimes for several days at a time, and they carried handwork in order to keep their hands occupied during these visits. In southern...
Paul's Crazy Quilt [ca 1875 and ca 1915]
...that emerged during the late-nineteenth century to become the most common quilting design for Southern utility quilts during the early-twentieth century. The concentric arcs of the "fans" are comfortable for...
Fort Scott newspapers
...brightest and darkest day which the people of this city ever experienced. During a year of unprecedented plenty the brawn and brain of Southern Kansas has been busy erecting the...