Envisioning Faulkner and Southern Literature
...which contains only one mixed-blood character, the significantly named Dilsey, avoids issues of race while promoting regeneration through capitalism. Known for its sentences of over eighty lines in search of...
The Law and the Mississippi Basin: A Review of Mississippi River Tragedies
Review The present system of flood control in the Mississippi Valley is a compromise resulting from a long and complicated interplay among interest groups. The current solution to the problem...
New Digital Archive of Hiphop and Bounce Music in New Orleans
...also worked as a promoter, artist manager, and musician within the New Orleans hiphop community since 2008. She is a writer for the popular music website, The Smoking Section, and...
Driving Through Time: The Digital Blue Ridge Parkway
...to complete because of environmental and public relations concerns and lawsuits filed by the mountain's owner and promoter, Hugh Morton. Screen capture of the GeoBrowse tool, Driving Through Time, 2012. The...
Corporations, Corruption, and the Modern Lobby: A Gilded Age Story of the West and the South in Washington, DC
Corporations, Corruption, and the Modern Lobby: Part 2: White describes the lengths both men went to in an attempt to gain subsidies and credit for their respective railroads Part 3: White shows...
New Adventures in Tandem Ethnography
...in the corner of the room, making small talk in Cajun French even though my "project" tries to avoid nativist ideologies about Louisiana culture.2For instance, the ideologies that promote a...
"This is Not Dixie:" The Imagined South, the Kansas Free State Narrative, and the Rhetoric of Racist Violence
...as an absent constituent of Free State identity. This durable foil provided a means both for obscuring, dismissing, and justifying homegrown racist violence, and for promoting resistance to it. Whites'...
Desegregation, Delaware, and Civil Rights Liberalism: A Review of Brett Gadsden's Between North and South
...these pages is ideally suited for the reevaluation of civil rights liberalism that Gadsden promotes. Between North and South's focus on Delaware also allows for a critique of some facile...
Unquiet Emmett Till
Review Emmett Till continues to torment our imaginations. How could two (and almost certainly more) grown men, veterans, over six feet tall, see a fourteen year old kid as such...
Hijacking Public Housing: A Review of New Deal Ruins
Review The image on the front cover of New Deal Ruins reverberates prophetically. In March 1972, after only two decades of occupancy, the first of Pruitt-Igoe's thirty-three public housing towers...