Palomares Bajo
...boon to struggling economies. Accidents in Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas had been mercifully free of thermonuclear explosions—and, it seems, of significant radioactive contamination. In this...
Plantation Romances and Slave Narratives: Symbiotic Genres
...impetus as an explicitly abolitionist form, like Stowe's novel (indeed the narratives were an important source for her book's rendering of slave life). The fugitive or freed slaves, writing first-hand...
An Unlikely Bohemia: Athens, Georgia, in Reagan's America one—and went skinny-dipping. Sometimes people walked to a big Victorian house on Hill Street and danced to mixtapes in the hall between the rolled-back pocket doors until their clothes...
Resegregated Spaces: The Schools-to-Prisons Pipeline
...was president of the student body, a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and an active member of the National Student Association. After studying in France (1955-1956) as a Fulbright scholar...
COVID-19 Vaccine and the Right to Public Health
...have historically prioritized local partnerships with religious leaders and institutions acknowledging this very important sphere of influence. We must continue to undertake hard conversations about the tensions between individual freedoms...
Social Justice Environmentalism
...either side of the Mason-Dixon line, the contemporary policing of racialized spaces—all can be understood not only as battle lines in freedom struggles but also as unacknowledged elements of urban...
Low Country Travelers: An African American Car Club of Charleston County, South Carolina
...the McClellanville town council, and Selden B. Hill, the white director of the Village Museum, proposed a parade to foster interaction between racial communities. We first encountered the Low Country...
Public Health in the US and Global South
...entrenchment of health disparities; the ways that race and gender shape and are shaped by health policy; and the inseparable connection between health justice and health advocacy. Public health scholarship...
An Excerpt from Inseparable: The Original Siamese Twins and Their Rendezvous with American History
...would follow religiously till their last breath. While the fear of miscegenation between black and white had remained the driving force behind Helper's abolitionist rhetoric, the union between Asian and...
The Carolina Piedmont
...a countryside filled with freed blacks, and appeals to "fight like men for our firesides." Bennett Place, Durham County, N.C. Because Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston surrendered to General William...