Category 3 Gentrification: On New Orleans's Population Trends and the Hostility of Internet Commenters
The dual attraction of New Orleans. From Katie Gillett, The Post-Grad Hipster's Guide to Inhabitable U.S. Cities, 2011. Since I left New Orleans for good in 2007, I hear more...
Coalfield Generations: Health, Mining, and the Environment
...the miners, then reopen under new corporate settings. These new companies do not rehire the miners who were active under the previous contract. Instead of hiring the local workers who...
"In the Neighborhood": Towards a Human Geography of US Slave Society
...Thought from Slavery to Freedom (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977). Community, after all, was a key word in the new social history. For revisionist historians "community" signaled a broad...
Readership Reports and the Benefits of Open Access Publishing
...access journal, Southern Spaces is committed to supporting our authors in communicating the value of their publications to tenure and promotion committees. Members of such committees may not have experience...
Diversity and Its Discontents: A Review of Behind the White Picket Fence
...inequality. This ideology allows white residents to celebrate progressiveness while failing to promote meaningful inclusion. Creekridge Park Demographics. Map by George Mayorga. From Behind the White Picket Fence: Power and Privilege in...
"Within Thy Circling Pow'r I Stand": Immersive Video from Sacred Harp's Hollow Square
...square has been a longstanding focus, with advances in recording technology leading to new strategies. In this publication we introduce new immersive 360-degree video and audio recordings we made from...
Public School Politics: A Review of The End of Consensus
...Carolina General Assembly and approved by both school boards made the merger possible. The contentious debates that initially surrounded unification—centering on how to redistribute resources and students in the new...
Visions for Sustainable Agriculture in Cuba and the United States: Changing Minds and Models through Exchange
...nothing to promote political and economic change. In July 2010 Menendez took the Senate floor to oppose an easing of travel restrictions, remarking that more opportunities for US citizens to...
McGirt v. Oklahoma: Implications of the 2020 Supreme Court Decision for Native America
...usually wouldn't be doing. I ended up keeping the fire in the ring that night. A year or two later, at that location or at the new grounds site, I...
The Carolina Piedmont
...of the Atlanta and Richmond Air-Line Railway offered a direct route from New York to New Orleans and further shifted the region's orientation away from the Carolina coast. Cotton agriculture,...