A Plague of Bulldozers: Celestine Sibley and Suburban Sprawl
...1981);Young'uns: A Celebration (New York: Harper & Row, 1982); her memoir, Turned Funny; six mysteries, The Malignant Heart (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1958), Ah, Sweet Mystery: A Kate Mulcay Mystery (New York: HarperCollins, 1991), Straight as an...
The Tennessee Jamboree: Local Radio, the Barn Dance, and Cultural Life in Appalachian East Tennessee
...of a barn dance. After World War II, as hundreds of new radio stations began to broadcast from small towns, a new wave of barn dance programs emerged, fashioned after...
North Carolina: A State of Shock
...John Frank and Rob Christensen, "Dome: In other news, NC Senate gives final approval to tax bill," Raleigh News and Observer, July 3, 2013, http://www.newsobserver.com/2013/07/03/3009073/dome-in-other-news-nc-senate-gives.html; John Frank, "Impact of Proposed...
Vale of Amusements: Modernity, Technology, and Atlanta's Ponce de Leon Park, 1870–1920
...Turn-of-the Century Chicago (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1998), 138. Filled with newfangled rides and novel attractions, these parks drew an assortment of patrons searching for new ways to...
The Vanished World of the New Orleans Longshoreman
The Vanished World of the New Orleans Longshoreman A popular tourist attraction in New Orleans today is the "Moonwalk," a brick-paved promenade stretching along the Mississippi riverfront from the Covention...
Dancing Around the "Glaring Light of Television": Black Teen Dance Shows in the South
...America (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003); Robert Weems, Jr., Desegregating the Dollar: African American Consumerism in the Twentieth Century (New York: New York University Press, 1998); Victoria Wolcott, Race,...
Going South, Coming North: Migration and Union Organizing in Morristown, Tennessee
...in Appalachia (New York: New Press, 2004). Union contracts eroded along with wages and benefits. Social relationships changed. Workers were thrown into competition with other workers, often of different race...
Draining Paradise: A Tour of Salt Creek in St. Petersburg, Florida
...the park cut off an irrigation line, however, the newly planted trees dried up and died. This story is nothing new. Landscape theorist Anne Whiston Spirn recounts similar frustrations with...
A Green Democratic Revolution
...Green New Deal in terms of a "Green Democratic Revolution" as a new front in the radicalization of democracy that redefines democratic principles and then extends them to new fields...
An Interview with Tim Gautreaux: "Cartographer of Louisiana Back Roads"
...days—the government inspection steamer, Mississippi, and John Newton, and a couple of others: in New Orleans we'd see the Delta Queen or the Gordon C. Green. My father knew the...