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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

The Civil War and Emancipation 150 Years On

...latest technology: Princess phones played recorded messages and elaborate electric maps traced troop movements. A Mercury space capsule proudly perched nearby, an incongruous and yet resonant symbol of the unified...

Mountaintop Removal in Central Appalachia

...economic opportunities in this persistently poor and distressed region. To understand what the poor are up against in Appalachia, you must understand mountaintop removal (MTR), the latest and most extreme...

Selma Bridge: Always Under Construction

...the standard for courage and constancy, would first support Hillary, then switch to Barack Obama. For Hillary, observed an NPR commentator about this latest "battle of Selma," it's "almost like...

Rosa’s Log Cabin Quilt [ca 1880]

...the lowest prices and selected with unusual care. His LADIES' DRESS GOODS are of the latest and best styles, and purchased with a view to economy, beauty, and elegance." Although...