In Good Faith: Working-Class Women, Feminism, and Religious Support in the Struggle to Organize J. P. Stevens Textile Workers in the Southern Piedmont, 1974–1980
...workers when their "womanly troubles" required more frequent visits; how the company passed them over for promotions and raises because of their sex or race or both. Lucy Taylor's husband...
History, Geography, and the New Orleans Tourism Industry: A Review of Bourbon Street longer afford to live there. But Campanella's study is less concerned with illuminating this mutuality than in promoting Bourbon Street as the quintessential American success story. NOPD Police Sign...
Southern Spaces, #TooFEW, and Wikipedia
...and updated articles related to the publication. Then we told that we were self-promoting and should stop; also some of our contributions were removed. As the managing editor at Southern...
Inside Poor Monkey's
...that is often referred to as a "tin." It is windowless, but has three doors. The front sports several faded, hand-painted signs. One describes the dress code by saying "not...
"Beer, Prayer and Nellydrama": (Im)Possibilities in Max Vernon's The View UpStairs a building that failed to meet New Orleans fire codes.38Fieseler, Tinderbox, 183. When the pandemonium was over, thirty-two victims had perished, either immediately or in the following days as...
An Oyster by Any Other Name
...fellow conspirators, tasting two thousand oysters from all along the Gulf Coast. It was the first symposium hosted by Foodways Texas, an organization dedicated to preserving, promoting, and celebrating the...
A Conversation with Digital Historians
...have two grindstones. One involves interfacing with a machine in ways that are sometimes difficult and tedious, much like archival work. Sometimes we are wrestling with code and how to...
Psychiatry in the Wake: Racism and the Asylumed South
...practices of enslaved Africans as well as the Catholic religiosity of Irish immigrants with what passed for modern scientific rationale.17Fett, Working Cures; Willoughby, "Running Away from Drapetomania;" Deidre Cooper Owens,...
Remnants of Flannery
...mount a production of The Violent Bear It Away and a television series based on her short stories. Irish filmmaker John Michael McDonagh has also recently stated that he plans...
Mother Jones: Back in Alabama
...representatives of labor unions from across the country—longshoremen, flight attendants, municipal employees, as well as members of the United Mine Workers of America from West Virginia, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania,...