Katrina + 5: An X-Code Exhibition
...New Orleans—variants of the X-code left by searchers as they systematically covered the city, critically pertinent markings applied to visited houses and buildings. “Paint fades, archives endure,” reads a promotional...
Indians in the Family: Adoption and the Politics of Antebellum Expansion
...in 1825. In addition, in 1824 the US House Committee on Indian Affairs estimated that over eight hundred Indian children had attended mission schools within Indian territories. See Francis Paul Prucha,...
The X-Codes: A Post-Katrina Postscript
...markings, 2007. The location of the code on a building was often an indication of when in the progress of the flood a search had been conducted. A code...
McGirt v. Oklahoma: Implications of the 2020 Supreme Court Decision for Native America
...Indians were Indian because there was no definition. What did the Court look to determine whether Natives were Indians? Behaviors and stereotypes. They decided that Pueblo Indians were dimwitted, had...
On Native Ground: Indigenous Presences and Countercolonial Strategies in Southern Narratives of Captivity, Removal, and Repossession
...characters and readers of the novel. How can American Indians, very much including American Indian writers and the enterprises of American Indian literature and criticism, repossess dispossessed southeastern homelands and...
All Roads Led from Rome: Facing the History of Cherokee Expulsion
...that was supposed to protect and negotiate with Indians. Between 1805 and 1827, the state held five lotteries to give away land that had belonged to the Muscogee Creek Indians....
Cherokee Removal Scenes: Ellijay, Georgia, 1838
...bullied, and bribed the southeastern Indian nations to emigrate west of the Mississippi River while the southeastern states asserted sovereignty over Indians and claimed rights to their land. No state...
Wanted eLove: Queer Square Spaces and the Revolution in Digital Intimacy
...evolved to include hanky codes, gay bar and bathhouse secret codes, and other gendered and sexualized forms of inclusion or exclusion. In a letter to the editor published in NEWSWEST,...
Along the Ulcofauhatche: Of Sorrow Songs and "Dried Indian Creek"
...had established "Avon Indian Farm" near the creek. In Sheriff Odum's telling, the mummified Indian was discovered "stretched out under a big old tree."1Odum's account is quoted in a laudatory...
Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the US South, 1997–2007
...use of imagery has critiqued, promoted, and problematized the idea of the South and its rap music culture. Rap and Place Perhaps the most remarkable dimension of the Dirty South...