Haiti and the Fear of Insurrection: A Review of The Slaveholding Crisis
...The Slaveholding Crisis: Fear of Insurrection and the Coming of the Civil War, Hale's lurid images and graphic language resonated with many white southerners fearful about the lessons a free...
Spatial Humanities and Modes of Resistance: A Review of HyperCities
...(103). This multi-media interplay is a relatively new convention for academic writing. Here, old-school New Historicist methods comingle with explications of computer code and user interface to demonstrate how digital...
Enslaved Labor and Building the Smithsonian: Reading the Stones
...J. W. Neal slave house was near the city's center market. Even free people of color did not feel safe on DC's streets. From 1852 until 1906, the celebrated free...
Nannie's Stone: Appendices by Mark Auslander and Lisa Fager
...census in DC, heading a household with two free non-white women and one free non-white man. He is not visible in the 1830 census. District of Columbia records list a...
Back to the Future: Mapping Workers Across the Global South
...Tashkent. In all, 130 companies from seventeen countries participated, among them Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, India, Italy, Russia, the United States, Turkey, Switzerland, France, the Czech Republic, South Korea,...
Religion and the US South
...the growing marginalization of Anglicans, which was made complete with the overthrow of English authority during the American Revolution. By the 1790s, religious freedom and denominational competition for members represented...
"Out long enough to be historic": Racialized Gay Space in Pre-Stonewall San Antonio
...the Constitution of 1824 officially establishing the First Mexican Republic (Primera República Federal), known as the United Mexican States (Estados Unidos Mexicanos). As the EUM sorted out its leadership and...
St. Augustine's "Slave Market": A Visual History
...(1984); Jane Landers, ed., Against the Odds: Free Blacks in the Slave Societies of the America (London: Frank Cass, 1996); and Margo Pope, "Slavery and the Oldest City," The St. Augustine...
Draining Paradise: A Tour of Salt Creek in St. Petersburg, Florida
...Crow's intractable legacy, and poor decisions rationalized by free market economics. Two episodes from the past century illustrate the challenges of turning back the tide. The creek's path traces a...
The Web of Cis-Atlantic History: A Review of Louisiana: Crossroads of the Atlantic World
...remarks. Ten of the contributions ultimately dwell upon a theme familiar to historians of Louisiana after its incorporation into the American Republic: the "development and contestation of a racial order," as...