Vale of Amusements: Modernity, Technology, and Atlanta's Ponce de Leon Park, 1870–1920
...York numbered approximately eight-hundred-thousand residents. Atlanta, by comparision, had a population of just above nine-thousand residents, making it the ninety-ninth largest city in America behind Hoboken, New Jersey; Columbus, Georgia;...
Hoboken Style: Meaning and Change in Okefenokee Sacred Harp Singing
...line, a significant number for such a rural area. The ultra-conservative Crawfordites sought to continue most practices “as in the time of Uncle Reuben.” Since their formation in the 1870s,...
The Worst of Times: Children in Extreme Poverty in the South and Nation
...continue beyond the first half of 2010. From June 2009 through March 2010, the number of jobless workers continued to grow in the South and the West. The number of...
"Out long enough to be historic": Racialized Gay Space in Pre-Stonewall San Antonio
...River Parade in April of 1941. Throughout the forties and fifties, the River Walk featured a small sampling of restaurants, shops, and boating activities that drew in a fair number...
Geographies of Hope and Despair: Atlanta's African American, Latino, and White Day Laborers
...context, the growth of advanced producer services benefited only certain segments of the labor force, while increasing numbers joined the contingent workforce. Handsomely compensated financiers, technocrats, entrepreneurs, and other mid-to-upper-level...
Color Photographs from the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information
...vegetation and eroded the land, Ducktown, Tennessee, 1939. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, FSA/OWI Color Photographs Collection, LC-USF35-103. Marion Post Wolcott, Burley tobacco is placed on sticks to...
Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the US South, 1997–2007
...particular place can only produce a limited number of marketable artists) and, to a lesser degree, speculative exploration (that going to obscure places might yield a novel interpretation of the...
Mapping the Muggleheads: New Orleans and the Marijuana Menace, 1920–1930's users.11Between May 1923 and December 1929, the Times-Picayune published at least three hundred stories with references to marijuana, roughly one per week. The number of articles mentioning marijuana more...
DDT Disbelievers: Health and the New Economic Poisons in Georgia after World War II
...the Birds," Atlanta Journal, November 14, 1946; "DDT and Fish," Augusta Chronicle (Reprint from The Columbia (S.C.) State), July 12, 1947, 4. Papers quoted the Tennessee Valley Authority's health director...
Memphis, Tennessee images
Memphis, Tennessee: The Mississippi River In the distance is the Interstate 40 Mississippi River Bridge. The "bridge" entering the picture from the upper right is actually the tramway that runs...