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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Religion and the US South

...were from the Iberian Peninsula, with those from central Europe coming in larger numbers after 1840. They embraced the religious freedom that the nation offered, as well as its economic...

LiFT Art Salon: Gallery 72 art event, LiFT Art Salon sponsored an October 18, 2015 gathering to discuss hip hop, technology, and fine art. Fahamu Pecou, Emory Institute of Liberal Arts (ILA) graduate student and ELEVATE 2015 curator, placed Atlanta hip...

Sprinkle Creek, North Carolina

...Sprinkle Creek with NCDOT geologist, Rick Lockamy, to conduct core rock sampling, Sprinkle Creek, NC, 2994. Photo courtesy of Rob Amberg. NCDOT geologist, Rick Lochamy, studying maps in preparation for...

CDC in the Pandemic's Wake

...too little has changed three years later, even as CDC moves ahead with its latest—to date, largely upper echelon—reorganization.3Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "CDC Moving Forward Reorganization: A Notice...