Nannie's Stone: Appendices by Mark Auslander and Lisa Fager
Appendix I: Background on the Family of Francis Tinney Charles Teney manumitted Francis's father William Don Otius Teney on November 15, 1827, along with William's siblings Ann and Andrew and their...
Patchwork Freedoms: Law, Slavery, and Race beyond Cuba's Plantations
An Excerpt from the Introduction Cover image based on Tu lugar, 2006. Painting by Juan Roberto Diago Durruthy. Throughout the nineteenth century, aided by railroads and steam technologies, industrial plantations...
Transcript of "When I Say 'Steal,' Who Do You Think Of?": Part Two the US—to be white people descended from Scot-Irish, emigrants, fleeing poverty in Europe, moving from the eastern seaports of the US further south and east, looking for cheap land —...
Southern Spaces: A Partial History
...content. With the increasing number of multimedia articles and features, we standardized the organization of pieces to enhance accessibility. We shifted from pieces with numerous pages to scroll-down navigation. These...
Vale of Amusements: Modernity, Technology, and Atlanta's Ponce de Leon Park, 1870–1920
...York numbered approximately eight-hundred-thousand residents. Atlanta, by comparision, had a population of just above nine-thousand residents, making it the ninety-ninth largest city in America behind Hoboken, New Jersey; Columbus, Georgia;...
Geographies of Hope and Despair: Atlanta's African American, Latino, and White Day Laborers
...context, the growth of advanced producer services benefited only certain segments of the labor force, while increasing numbers joined the contingent workforce. Handsomely compensated financiers, technocrats, entrepreneurs, and other mid-to-upper-level...
Mississippi Delta
...of cheap labor, on which Delta plantations depended. By 1910, tenants operated ninety-two percent of Delta farms, and ninety-five percent of those tenants were African American. New ethnic groups also...
Television News and the Civil Rights Struggle: The Views in Virginia and Mississippi
...L. Shephard spoke to the group. With white local and Democratic Party leaders in attendance, Shephard endorsed the Kennedy ticket and, the anchor's script reported, called Richard M. Nixon "a...
Documenting Migrants: An Interview with Charles D. Thompson
...the cost of living you realize that there is no way that a family of four can make it on eighty dollars a week. I am talking about prices at...
Scales Intimate and Sprawling: Slavery, Emancipation, and the Geography of Marriage in Virginia
...of bureaucracy did not nest cleanly. While federal initiative may have prompted action, in Virginia, as in a number of other southern states, the cohabitation registrations came about through state...