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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

LiFT Art Salon: Hammonds House

...they do possess something invaluable to the city’s future—black history. LiFT Art Salon intentionally operates out of historically black buildings, spaces, and cultural centers to redirect Atlanta's young adult population...

LiFT Art Salon: Gallery 72

...and artistically, but also physically and architecturally, through the transformation of the exhibition space ... reveals a movement toward new operative frameworks and political objectives where traditionally exclusive spaces include...

The Suburban Wild: Coyotes in Druid Hills

...campus. The land that constitutes the Druid Hills neighborhood was originally ceded to the Georgia government by Native Americans in 1821 and was subsequently surveyed and sold to white settlers....

Single Centers of Creation?

...vioscai Southern Red Salamander Plethodon serratus Southern Red-backed Salamander Eurycea cirrigera* Southern Two-lined Salamander Plethodon ventralis (formerly dorsalis) Southern Zigzag Salamander[SC] Plethodon welleri ventromaculatus Spotbelly Salamander [SC] Desmognathus conanti Spotted...