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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

The Bulletin—November 29, 2012

...America Southern Part," 1818. From Pinkerton, J., A Modern Atlas, from the Latest and Best Authorities, Exhibiting the Various Divisions of the World with its chief Empires, Kingdoms, and States;...

Rose Library Highlights: Amos Kennedy, Jr.

...his archival holdings in the African American collections at Emory University's Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. Best known for artist books that narrate African American history in striking...


FOR FIELDWORKERS AND FARMERS LIKE ME Early, on grayest morning, when we nettled deep in between rows, tobacco and sweet potato, both two seasons away from planting, you reasoned I...

Article praising Ponce de Leon's appearance

...will find the old playground of Ponce de Leon has passed away, and in its stead a fairyland has been created, studded with multitudinous attractions [midway, skating rink, picnic grounds,...

At Sun Ra's Grave

Birmingham, 2001 Now our god's dismantled, iron arms, iron hands now laid away, vacant head beside his vacant feet. Vulcan, God of All the Fire That Sleeps in Mountains now...