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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

A Horrible, Beautiful Beast

...dying. Their desires did not fit into Old South romanticism. And they do not fit into the new version of history either, with its new romanticism, its world of saintly,...

The Liminal Site consumption, any more than the pleasure of running is reducible to the pleasure (or hassle) of buying running shoes. And though I have consulted gardening books from the 1940s,...

Keywords for Southern Studies: An Introduction

...from "critical and contingent methods and theories" and "more precisely articulating the disruptive knowledge of subalterns." Doing southern studies is unmasking and refusing the binary thinking—"North"/"South," nation/South, First World/Third World,...

Sonic Zora in Florida

...would arrive in Jacksonville "with the equipment carefully stored in a converted World War I ambulance outfitted by workers from the Federal Theater Project. . . . He was one...