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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Southern Spaces: A Partial History of running a journal is invisible, particularly on the technical end. We periodically update file types to keep up with web standards for usability and accessibility. Southern Spaces Vimeo...

Birth Right a need for these procedures in no more than 20 percent of all births.6Wagner, Marsden. Born in the USA: How a Broken Maternity System Must Be Fixed to Put Women...

The Joneses: Home Made in Mississippi

...with the cost of flights and the initial recovery period in a hotel, it was cheaper to do so there than in the United States. Hearing her story, Ash insisted...

Southwestern Humor: The Beginning of "Grit Lit"

Southwestern Humor Southwestern humor is perhaps the most intriguing of southern antebellum literary genres, for writers of this loose-knit "school," often contributors to sporting or gentlemen's magazines, abandoned the plantation...