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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections


Southern Spaces is a peer-reviewed, multimedia, open access journal published by the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship. We publish articles, photo essays and images, reviews, presentations, short videos, and monographs...

Black. Queer. Southern. Women.

Presentation Part One Black women who influenced Johnson's thinking about literature, folklore, the arts, and "quare theory" while growing up in western North Carolina and when attending UNC–Chapel Hill (5:27)....

A Field Guide to Northeast Alabama

A Field Guide to Northeast Alabama Jake Adam York reads the poem "Gone With the Wind." Jake Adam York reads the poem "At Cornwall Furnace." Jake Adam York reads the...

Placeholder: Carolina Poems of Love and Labor

Readings Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "The Change." Poem text. Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "Off Season." Poem text. Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "Packin' Four Corner Nabs." Poem text....

Remembering Jake Adam York (1972–2012)

Jake Adam York during an interview with Natasha Trethewey, 2008. Jake Adam York served faithfully on the Southern Spaces editorial board. His insight, enthusiasm, and generosity will be missed. Jake Adam...

Hijacking Public Housing: A Review of New Deal Ruins

...Howell Homes, center, Techwood Homes, left, Georgia Institute of Technology, bottom. Atlanta, Georgia, circa 1940. Photocopy of photograph. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, HABS GA,61-ATLA,63--2. View of playground...

The Cobb County Braves

...has noted, residents of Cobb County, an epicenter of suburbanization and white flight in the Metro-Atlanta region, have long opposed government spending on public transportation. In a press conference and...