The Bulletin—June 26, 2012 in and intellectually engaging with the US South. The Army Corps of Engineers is planning to close a controversial freshwater diversion that appeared to be building new land at...
The Black Belt
...Henry Wellge & Co. Courtesy of the Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, Through violence, appeals to white supremacy, and massive voter fraud, the Black Belt's oligarchs defeated...
"In the Neighborhood": Towards a Human Geography of US Slave Society
...Upper and Deep South.6Steven Deyle, Carry Me Back: The Domestic Slave Trade in American Life (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), 145, 157-73, 291-96, Appendix B. Helam had one owner...
Routes of Reconciliation: Visiting Sites of Cultural Trauma in the US South, Northern Ireland, and South Africa
...African democracy and now fear land appropriation, as happened in Zimbabwe. One rancher told of six generations of family buried on land where he grazes thousands of livestock. Doubtless, his...
Longleaf, Far as the Eye Can See: A New Vision of North America's Richest Forest
...By emphasizing the biological diversity, beauty, and value of these remarkable forests, this book will help readers "gain a new appreciation for the wonders of the longleaf forest" (x). Hopefully...
"Our Country"—Benjamin E. Wise's William Alexander Percy
...keen observation and logic. For example, Wise argues that father "LeRoy and Will Percy shared a loving but not emotionally intimate relationship. Leroy had a business approach to seemingly everything...
The Bulletin—May 8, 2013
...South Carolina's first congressional district voted to elect former Governor Mark Sanford to fill Congressman Tim Scott's seat in the House of Representatives. Last December, Governor Nikki Haley appointed Congressman...
"Gaps in People's Lacks": James Franco's As I Lay Dying
...novels have failed to approximate what makes these books great: the language that layers detail upon idiom upon idea upon history, building up a story like paint on a canvas...
The Sub Series: Henry County, Georgia
Henry County 2008 The subordinate status rhetorically applied to some areas, neighborhoods, and home loans belies a contemporary reality: more US citizens reside in suburbs than in the country or...
Reverend Will D. Campbell, Southern Racial Reconciler his Baptist identity: "renegade," "guerrilla," "outlaw," and one he used himself in a book title: "bootleg." Tom Rankin, Will Campbell, Mt. Juliet, Tennesee, July 17, 2007. In appearance, thought,...