You Can't Eat Coal, and Other Lessons from Appalachian Women's History
...loss of mining jobs and the transition to a global market and service economy paralleled the unraveling of the social safety net. In the 1990s, the bipartisan dismantling of Aid...
Shared Space, Separate Pasts: Versions of Slavery in Charleston
..."Joe" Riley Jr., the city council commissioned a painting to memorialize Denmark Vesey, a free black artisan who in 1822 organized a major, unsuccessful slave insurrection in Charleston. Vesey, a...
Call for Submissions: Queer Intersections / Southern Spaces
...and direct all inquiries to: Series editor Eric Solomon ( Top, Opening title sequence from television documentary "The Rejected." Originally aired by KQED, San Francisco, California, September 11, 1961. Screenshot...
Black Markets and the US-Mexico Border
...of the "moral community" of border people. Some worked intentionally to evade criminal sanction, not revenue collection. Cattle rustlers in the late nineteenth century, along with bootleggers and drug runners...
Oak Ridgidness: Lindsey Freeman’s Longing for the Bomb
...threat of espionage grew, Oak Ridgers monitored neighbors for signs of disloyalty or weakness. Even Santa Claus was not above suspicion. Learning to live in Oak Ridge meant adopting a "culture...
The Black Civil Rights Movement on the Border
...relations (despite the fact that "Mexican and Mexican Americans were in the majority" (4) in El Paso). The author does not mention the Santa Ysabel massacre of 1915, the El...
...measured rate. The zircon lasts when mother rocks around have crumbled, worn away to sand. It keeps the fingerprints of isotopes from clouds of the original primordial dust, right here...
Authorship in Africana Studies
...the surface of the water. I wondered—could this light be the souls of those that did not disembark? Wall of the Santiago de la Gloria Battery, Bay of Portobelo, Panama, September...
The Bulletin—November 1, 2012
...changes to the early voting schedule have altered the ways in which African American churches organize their early voting campaigns. According to Susan Saulny of The New York Times, these campaigns...
Visualizing Spatial History: The Example of Rio de Janeiro
Presentation Part 2: Frank provides an overview of the Stanford Spatial History Project Part 3: Frank discusses creating visualizations that evoke patterns and varieties of spatial mobility, consciousness, and power...