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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Putting the Hospital into Southern Hospitality

...Lowcountry environment has devastating and lasting implications that stretch far beyond South Carolina. McCandless is quick to absorb and ponder the irony that the continent’s least healthy place swiftly became...

The Civil War and Emancipation 150 Years On

...that states’ rights rather than slavery led to war—and younger people are more inclined than their elders to think this way, contradicting all that their textbooks tell them. Secession balls,...


White-blossoming trees In front of the house In Sparta, Georgia, Where they together lived: Free woman of color (black, white, Cherokee), white male slaver, and their children who slept with...

Self-Portrait at a Bend in the Road

...stand where the newsmen stood, over that place where the Riders waited in a circle of grace and disbelief, fragile as the surface of a ladle that hears each word....

The Medicalized Border and the Politics of Exclusion

...racist constructions validated exclusionary actions, such as the demonization of the Chinese that rationalized the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. Fevered Measures ends with the declaration that "Mexicans, Mexican immigrants, and...

Kara Walker's Blood Sugar: A Subtlety or the Marvelous Sugar Baby

...worker. Confectionery "is the art of creating sugar-based dessert forms, of subtleties."13"Confectionery," Wikipedia, accessed June 30, 2014, Exhibit chief curator Nato Thompson explains that subtleties are "sugar sculptures that...

The Black Belt

...Geologically, the region lies within the Gulf South's Coastal Plain in a crescent some twenty to twenty-five miles wide that stretches from eastern, south-central Alabama into northwestern Mississippi. The unusually...