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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections


We all went in a yellow school bus, on a Tuesday. We sang the whole way up. We tried to picture the bodies stacked three deep on either side of...

Lyle Saxon and the WPA Guide to New Orleans

...collected volumes as "his generation's 'finest contribution to American patriotism.'" And then there were the guides to major cities: New York and San Francisco, Chicago and Atlanta, to name but...

COVID-19: Lessons in Ignorance

...response guidance with the catchphrase "follow the science," in effect denying knowledge gaps and glossing over judgment calls that informed their decisions.9Nason Maani and Sandro Galea, "What Science Can and...

Sonic Zora in Florida

...when 'colored' hotel rooms couldn't be had, defending herself against jealous women, putting up with bedbugs, lack of sanitation, and poor food in some of the turpentine camps, sawmills, and...