En ningún [pero todo] lugar del mundo: Historia y sexualidad cubana en el teatro de Abel González Melo
...and courtesy of Pepe Murrieta. González Melo: El teatro lo hacemos entre todos, los artistas y el público. Basta recordar el origen griego de la palabra "teatro", que significa "mirar"....
Still Digging Our Own Graves: Coal Miners and the Struggle over Black Lung Disease
...of legislation, for example), but in and of themselves did not necessarily signify substantial and lasting change. The simplicity of my original questions faded as the labels of victory and...
Along the Ulcofauhatche: Of Sorrow Songs and "Dried Indian Creek"
...as Oxford College of Emory University—and directly past Bethlehem Baptist Church, the county's oldest African American house of worship. For two centuries the waterway has been a significant site of...
Nannie's Stone: Commemoration and Resistance
...a high chair and toy wheelbarrow signified objects of importance in his life. A woman named "Lize Lundy," who was fond of wearing a new bonnet to church each Sunday,...
Queering Southern Gospel: A Review of Douglas Harrison's Then Sings My Soul
...he does not discount the significant role Vaughn played in the modernization of the genre and industry. In fact, Vaughn had connections with Kieffer and Ruebush, having studied at their...
Wild Notes: A Review of Dawoud Bey’s Elegy
...low-light prints hone the conflicting experiences of fugitivity, wherein a vast, beautiful, open landscape signals exposure and vulnerability while the claustrophobic cover of tree branches means safety and protection. On...
Undoing the Voting Rights Act
...Showcased its 'Textualist' Double Standard on Voting Rights," Washington Post, July 1, 2021, https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/07/01/supreme-court-alito-voting-rights-act/. President Lyndon B. Johnson meets with Martin Luther King, Jr., at the signing of the Voting...
Black Lives at Arlington National Cemetery: From Slavery to Segregation
...the South at between 10 and 12 percent in 1860, although the product of mixed-race unions constituted more significant proportions of city dwellers: 39 percent of free blacks and 20...
...the trees and lay the needle down gunning through the barricades and ROAD CLOSED signs and up the amputated ramp where the bridge should be, the bridge where you stood...
Making History
...with lentils, flash bombs, lo-fi, hi-speed. Somewhere is a petition I should be signing. Somewhere a parakeet is driving a tractor, and I am missing it. A pair of scissors...