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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Black Markets and the US-Mexico Border how most smuggling worked, and in many ways this is how it still works. Sometimes border people felt they should not have to pay extra for ordinary goods that...

The Black Civil Rights Movement on the Border

...ways, but it was also often accomplished through overt tactics such as racially restrictive covenants that simply stated 'said property shall not be sold to nor occupied by Negroes, nor...

Remnants of Flannery

...the grotesque southern Gothicism of her written work.) And yet, far from being reduced to a convenient sound bite, O'Connor's sensibilities have infiltrated society in far-reaching ways: what might O'Connor...

Selma Bridge: Always Under Construction

...a social geography that they were remaking to suit themselves. In annual Bridge Crossing speeches, the Alabama River often becomes the Jordan or the Red Sea, watery passageways leading to...

Envisioning Faulkner and Southern Literature his inscription of the "South." The narration of Faulkner's south is always in the process of uneven growth, of slapping up another textual building . . . , in the process of...

Eggleston's South: "Always in Color"

...a new way of looking at the US South, a full color, sideways vision. Wagonload of cotton coming out of the field in the evening. Mileston Plantation, Mississippi Delta, Mississippi,...

Petrochemical America, Petrochemical Addiction

...of bracketed-together pipes of assorted sizes and dull metallic shades that emerges from a tangle of industrial units, always behind a chain link fence, and flies over the road like...