Driving Through Time: The Digital Blue Ridge Parkway
...all but 7.5 of the Parkway's 469-miles opened to the public in 1961. Those final few miles, around Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina, the "missing link," took another twenty-six years...
Rosa’s Log Cabin Quilt [ca 1880]
...a limited number of fabrics, but quiltmakers more often took advantage of the pattern's versatility to incorporate a variety of fabrics. As long as the majority of darker fabrics are...
Nine Mile Circle Trolley, circa 1895
...a number of improvements have taken place in the city. "Along the sweep of the nine-mile circle several attractive homes have been erected, and those who have not been in...
Farmland Blues: The Legacy of USDA Discrimination
...his mind flooded with dozens of cases of FHA discrimination. For example, he observed that, since he moved to Elbert County in 1952, the number of black farmers fell from...
The Bulletin—October 2, 2012
The Bulletin compiles news from in and around the US South. We hope these posts will provide space for lively discussion and debate regarding issues of importance to those living...
African Americans in Atlanta: Community Building in a New South City
...located east and west of downtown. Although most were common laborers, a small number, perhaps less than ten percent, stood above the masses by virtue of their occupation, education, or...
Finding Media
...few favorite sites and search strategies for finding useable media: Public Domain and US Government works: The term "public domain" can be a little tricky—there are a number of caveats...
Voting Rights and Southern Legislatures Post-Shelby County v. Holder
Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., June 7, 2009. Photograph by Mark Fischer. Courtesy of Mark Fischer. As our bulletins have previously reported, legislatures in a number of southern states...
Interstate Road Project, Single-State History: Tammy Ingram's Look at the Dixie Highway
...of a number of "marked trails" of this era—would join existing local roads into a long-distance highway linking north and south. Not coincidentally, it would connect the metropolitan North with...
Crisis of the New Majority: Low-Income Students in the South's Public Schools
...Florida, Texas, Georgia, and North Carolina, as well as in New Mexico, California, and a few other states outside the South, an increase in the number of Latino children appears...