The Slaveholding Empire: Southerners, Federal Authority, and Slave Power Abroad
...1850s, slaveholders in Washington used foreign policy to support this worldview. Free trade with Great Britain, penetration of slave-grown commodities in markets across the globe, and significant changes in the...
Black Markets and the US-Mexico Border
...the Discourse of Drug Control," Cultural Critique, no. 71 (2009), 13. A sign at the humble ferry station for the hand-pulled Los Ebanos Ferry or El Chalan [...] that travels...
Contesting the Roadways: The Moore's Ford Lynching Reenactment and a Confederate Flag Rally, July 25, 2015
...spoke of dedicating the reenactment to the memory of the "Charleston 9." When black and white reenactors entered the church sanctuary before embarking on the motorcade, they wore signs proclaiming...
Southern Football, African American Athletes, and the Relative Decline of the Big Ten any major US university to recruit significant numbers of African Americans in a given signing class. Bell enjoyed an illustrious career at Minnesota, winning a national championship in 1960...
Still under the Influence: The Bioregional Origins of the Hub City Writers Project
...written in the style of the emerging genre of the personal essay. The book would have an elegance of design and layout. We hoped that it would lift the literary...
The Vanished World of the New Orleans Longshoreman
...or self-styled bohemians not only signaled a historical break in New Orleans, it mirrored transformations in modern port cities all over the globe. Ever since humankind began sending bulk goods...
Vernacular and Universal Prejudice
...for immigrants from Mexico who have come to live, work, and die in the United States (in quite significant numbers even in military service, to which the American establishment readily...
...our website, updated our audio and video, and significantly expanded our readership. As an online journal working at the intersection of a number of scholarly disciplines, we find ourselves in...
Bodies and Souls
...Before Sister Manette took on the clinic, there had been no healthcare available in Jonestown for 15 years. Jonestown, Mississippi Welcome Sign, November 4, 2011. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user chillin662....
Rethinking the Geography of Lynching
...terror served to enforce legalized segregation and disenfranchisement and lynching stood as the most visible and brutal signifier of Jim Crow apartheid. For these reasons, when historians began writing the history...