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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Bricking the Church

...a New York Times bestseller. A sequel to Gap Creek, The Road From Gap Creek, was published in 2013. A new novel, North Star, is forthcoming in 2015. In addition,...

"Little Switzerland"

...entertaining in every way than all the others. The very best people of Atlanta visit it and the universal exclamation is, 'Oh, how beautiful! How gorgeously grand! I never knew...

Mountaintop Removal in Central Appalachia

...infancy/beginning stage. In this stage, local citizens often trust that the coal company has their best interests at heart. They welcome the company for the employment and tax revenues it...

The Bulletin—November 29, 2012

...America Southern Part," 1818. From Pinkerton, J., A Modern Atlas, from the Latest and Best Authorities, Exhibiting the Various Divisions of the World with its chief Empires, Kingdoms, and States;...

Love and Death at Second-Line

...levels of society? Tuba Fats did his part to keep the best of tradition and everybody loved him for it. How tragic and ironic that a violent death over street...

Saints at the River and Selected Poems

...stupid, makes him see nothing beyond a short term gain, which is why I know more likely than not I'll be arriving too late, what's to be done best done...

John Yoshida in Arkansas, 1943

...the ability to think, to ascertain available courses of action, and to then act in one's best interest. When that interest runs counter to that of one's captors—who here wanted...