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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Residues of Border Control

...the United States." The quantification of the “success” of enforcement in number of immigrants deported and the imposition of detention quotas on immigration police also dehumanizes immigrants.4Spencer S. Hsu and...

Backcountry Legends of a Minister's Death

Introduction The True Image explores the history and output of Scotch-Irish stonecutters in the early backcountry of Pennsylvania and the Carolinas. For none of them do we have any personal...

The Bulletin—October 2, 2012 and intellectually engaging with the US South. October 1 marked the fiftieth anniversary of the integration of the University of Mississippi. A number of media outlets reflected upon how...

The Civil War and Emancipation 150 Years On

...latest technology: Princess phones played recorded messages and elaborate electric maps traced troop movements. A Mercury space capsule proudly perched nearby, an incongruous and yet resonant symbol of the unified...

Saints at the River and Selected Poems

...the gravestones leaned as if even the dead were listening. Three AM and the Stars Were Out   When the phone rings way too late for good news, just another...