New house, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1996
Premier Elkhorn Coal Company refuse fill, Pike County, Kentucky, 2005
Remnants of a house by the tracks, Penland, North Carolina, 2007
Searcy County Livestock Auction
...the country's premier sites for the purchase of fat hogs, ready for slaughter. But as the pork industry integrated vertically, fewer local farmers bred pigs, and eventually the auction house...
Open Educational Resources at Southern Spaces
...practical guidance in locating and applying openly available resources."2"How to Use Open Educational Resources," Open Washington, last modified March 3, 2016, The website features OER collections that include videos,...
Katrina, One Year Later: Three Perspectives
...She made me promise to photograph her house before I left for the evening. After she left I went to her house. All that remained was the concrete slab and...
Transcript: Interview with Jim Bunkley
...did you start playing guitar? Jim Bunkley: I came up, my brothers had one, and me and my sister used to get up on a chair because we couldn’t hold...
American Coast, Imperiled Energy: Jason P. Theriot’s American Energy, Imperiled Coast address the complexities of coastal restoration illustrated by the Mardi Gras Pass example. Impact of Salt Water Intrusion, March 25, 2011. Image created by Wikimedia user Hui Tian as part...
Sea Changes in Personhood
..."Belles Demoiselles Plantation," Maryse Condé's Crossing the Mangrove, Aimé Césaire's Cahier d'un retour au pays natal, or Benh Zeitlin's Beasts of the Southern Wild. I have already used it successfully...
Transcript of "When I Say 'Steal,' Who Do You Think Of?": Part Three
...structures around them had not changed; because reform laws would get repealed by a shift in the larger forces of power; because they themselves would forget what they knew, under...