Managing Malaria: The Emory University Field Station and The Melvin H. Goodwin Papers
...were temporarily suspended. More importantly, the declaration of war would transform the priorities and architecture of epidemiological research in America for decades to come. Just months before Pearl Harbor, Goodwin...
Call for Submissions: Public Health and/in the US and Global South
...Ellen Griffith Spears, and Kate Orff. "Petrochemical America, Petrochemical Addiction." Southern Spaces, November 26, 2013. Hill, Sarah. "Cherokee Removal Scenes: Ellijay, Georgia, 1838." Southern Spaces, August 23, 2012.
The Bulletin—November 29, 2012
...Homann, "Virginia Marylandia et Carolina in America Septentrionali Britannorum industria excultae . . .," 1715. Via Wikimedia Commons. This next map illustrates the border between the colonies of North Carolina...
Demon Rum and Politics in Middle Florida: A Review of Southern Prohibition
Review Few issues roiled the waters of America and the South more so than temperance reform. In "the Alcoholic Republic"—William Rorabaugh's felicitous phrase—the question of prohibition divided and defined individuals...
The Place of Appalachia
...(insider "good," outsider "bad") too often have tended to substitute for deeper social analysis and political critique.2Helen Matthews Lewis, Linda Johnson, and Donald Askins, eds., Colonialism in Modern America: The...
Goin' to Chicago and African American "Great Migrations"
Introduction Filmed during the 1990s and released on PBS in 2000, Goin’ to Chicago is a sixty minute film about the largest internal movement of people in United States history—the...
A Turning Point for Richmond: The Virginia Historical Society's Civil War Exhibition
...after the defeat of the Confederate States of America, however, Richmond stubbornly clung to its "lost cause." Led by its veterans and ladies associations, the city put up a massive...
The Slaveholding Empire: Southerners, Federal Authority, and Slave Power Abroad
...States of America. A proclamation, Washington, D.C., 1846. Proclamation by James K. Polk. Courtesy of the Library of Congress Rare Book and Special Collections Division, US overtures to the slaveholding...
"The Choctaw Miracle": A Review of Katherine Osburn's Choctaw Resurgence in Mississippi
...Mississippi Choctaw Collection, P12169. Choctaw history is packed with ironies and reads sometimes like an "only in America" tale. After the Civil War, for example, Mississippi's most ardent white supremacists...
Discursive Memorials: Queer Histories in Atlanta's Public Spaces
...a mixed or largely gay clientele helped to foster social networks and heighten a sense of group consciousness. And like other urban spaces in Cold War America, Atlanta bore the...