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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Rethinking the Geography of Lynching New Mexico, though a strong essay that presents a similar argument to that made in Lynching Beyond Dixie, seems out of place here. The editors do not claim that...

Backcountry Legends of a Minister's Death

...296. Moore's theory assumes the accuracy of the reports that Richardson died strangled by a bridle, that Davie visited Richardson on the day of his death, and that later Davie...

Lyrics to Pretty Saro

...would write my love a letter that she might understand. I'd send it by the waters where the islands overflow And I'd think of my darling wherever she'd go. Way...

They Never Witnessed Such a Melodrama

...reported that Mitchell was a troublemaker and a "Negro-hater" and that the mob was "composed of young hot-headed fellows, and not of the older and very best citizens of the...

The US South and the 2008 Election

...American politics wasn't that difficult. The key was to figure out who hates whom — "That is the secret." This formula, which reached its apotheosis in the Rovean politics of...

Eggleston's South: "Always in Color"

...and that night, at the bar, somebody asked me what I'd been photographing and I told him, 'Oh just dirt by the side of the road. I've been photographing democratically.'"5Holzeimer...

The Future of Slavery's Historical Spaces

...for a number of months at Arlington House, explained that visitors sometimes took her aside to ask in hushed tones, "Were there really slaves here?" She also observed that some...

The Cobb County Braves

..."We . . . recognize that what is insurmountable is we can't control traffic, which is the No. 1 reason why our fans don't come to more games. . ....