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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Cajun South Louisiana

...have not the highest opinion. He then added a revealing description of Cajun distance from other southerners: southerners as well as northerners are Yankees, unless regarded with exceptional favor. Negro...

Ramp Hollow: The Ordeal of Appalachia up in southern West Virginia or eastern Kentucky and open factories and offices. I wrote the Commons Communities Act after months of thinking about how the people of the...

The Liminal Site

...232. Even ten years ago, most critics of southern culture—ignoring the DSL connection and the urban setting—would have discussed my garden labors, if pressed, as evidence of my southern "sense...

Carolina's Caribbean Origins: A Review of Hubs of Empire

...that eschew drinking, card playing, gambling, and other activities considered outside the realm of Christian behavior.6Charles Reagan Wilson, "Overview: Religion and the US South," Southern Spaces, March 16, 2004,

Call for Submissions: Public Health and/in the US and Global South

... Kirplani, Neeta and Emily Jackson. "Birth Right." Southern Spaces, January 12, 2010. Ottinger, Gwen, Ellen Griffith Spears, and Kate Orff. "Petrochemical America, Petrochemical Addiction." Southern Spaces, November 26,...

Single Centers of Creation?

...Desmognathus aeneus Seepage Salamander Desmognathus marmoratus Shovel-nosed Salamander Plethodon teyahalee Southern Appalachian Salamander Desmognathus auriculatus* Southern Dusky Salamander Plethodon metcalfi Southern Gray-cheeked Salamander Plethodon richmondi Southern Ravine Salamander Pseudotriton ruber...