Memphis: Cotton Fields, Cargo Planes, and Biotechnology
...distribution and have generated wealth. But the consequences of those decisions, and others, especially those connected with "selling" Memphis by offering typically southern industrial recruitment incentives, marketing cheap land and...
An Unlikely Bohemia: Athens, Georgia, in Reagan's America
...of Pylon made enough money to live cheaply in Athens, they weren't exactly comfortable. To reach the next level, they hired a professional booking agent. He landed them a gig...
Loving-Moonlight(ing): Cinema in the Breach Washington, DC, Mildred and Richard decide, in violation of state law, to move back to Virginia with their three young children. They find a farmhouse. It has no telephone...
Spectacles of American Nationalism: The Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama Painting and The Birth of a Nation
...that were exclusively or almost entirely white men, enormous numbers of additional people participated in the War effort, including approximately 200,000 Black soldiers who served in the Federal army and...
Low-Wage Legacies, Race, and the Golden Chicken in Mississippi: Where Contemporary Immigration Meets African American Labor History
...that white workers increasingly found new opportunities elsewhere, chicken plants faced an ever mounting need for cheap labor. Mississipi's method, pamphlet, n.d. Courtesy of the Mississippi Department of Archives and...
Taming Southern Waters: Christopher J. Manganiello’s Southern Water, Southern Power
Review Christopher J. Manganiello opens Southern Water, Southern Power: How the Politics of Cheap Energy and Water Scarcity Shaped a Region with a discussion of the drought that hit the...
Going South, Coming North: Migration and Union Organizing in Morristown, Tennessee
...immigration. In 1991, when the earliest footage was shot, most east Tennessee residents were not aware of the growing numbers of Latino immigrants. But some of the women on the...
"Within Thy Circling Pow'r I Stand": Immersive Video from Sacred Harp's Hollow Square
...cameras into a series of 360-degree videos.3Janko Roettgers, "Google Is Shutting Down Its Jump VR Video Program," Variety (blog), May 18, 2019, We used the Sennheiser Ambeo VR microphone...
All Roads Led from Rome: Facing the History of Cherokee Expulsion
...As rising tension elevated the potential for violence, numbers increasingly favored the Georgians. Fewer than nine thousand Cherokees lived on land sought by nearly 220,000 Georgians and awarded to 54,500...
Segregationists, Libertarians, and the Modern "School Choice" Movement
...number slightly above the percentage of the Asian school-age population. Only white students and students with Asian ancestries were in private schools in numbers that exceeded or generally matched their...