Coop Co-Op: Agrarian Ideals, City Codes, and the Backyard Chicken Movement neighbors — I was thinking about getting a few chickens, and would that be okay with them? — and was again surprised that they had been thinking about it,...
Authorship in Africana Studies
...I thought, what might be discovered at the core of the art-making that Imoinda represents. It is useful to know, for example, that the interview was conducted in the context...
Opening Spaces: On Tolerance and the Possibility for Love
...found in individual identity; instead he insists that we must develop an "analytics" that views power as diffuse and capillary, refusing the perhaps too-easy notion that a power over sex...
Genres of Southern Literature
...during the time, what we see is that the South's race-based institution of slavery was the driving force behind literary production. A southern slavocracy, sectionalist and ultimately nationalist, is what...
"The Emblem of North American Fraternity": Opossums and Jim Crow Politics
...with that section of the country. In The Quadrupeds of North America, John James Audubon writes that the opossum was by no means confined to southern states, particularly during the...
The Color of Democracy: A Japanese Public Health Official’s Reconnaissance Trip to the US South
...Kindaisen to Tairyoku, Jinko, 188. He warned that the birth rate of Japanese women in Korea was “far below” that of local women and reiterated the common eugenic argument that...
Television News and the Civil Rights Struggle: The Views in Virginia and Mississippi
...University Press, 2004) and Kay Mills, Changing Channels: The Civil Rights Case that Transformed Television (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2004). We know very little about what was aired on...
An Interview with Tim Gautreaux: "Cartographer of Louisiana Back Roads"
...and two together from what he'd told me. His squad didn't do that more than a couple days. The officers immediately realized that it wasn't working, that it was dangerous,...
Cruising Grounds: Seeking Sex and Claiming Place in Houston, 1960–1980
...1960 and 1980, archival evidence shows that cruising narratives played a powerful role in that identification. At the same time, these narratives also show that queer territorialization in Houston was...
The Battle of Atlanta: History and Remembrance
...major battles and the armies that fought them: The fact that African American slaves were bought and sold in Atlanta and were used to build earthen fortifications that encircled the...